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My passion for photography has allowed me to see the world around me as one big picture; everywhere I go I see potential photographs. As weird as it may sound, it's true. My main interests include flowers, landscapes, macro, and surf images. In fact, anything that has to do with mother nature captivates me; from the darkest part of the oceans to the small garden in front of the neighbors' house. Throughout my career, I strive to capture life in all its aspects as I share and explore the medium of photography.


Photography is my hobby turned into a passion. My interest in photography peaked during my third year in high school due to my best friends' equal interest. Starting off, I thought to myself; if I'm going to learn photography, I'm going to start with something simple. So at that moment, I went ahead and purchased a second hand Canon AE-1 35mm film camera that I still use to this very day. Since then, I quickly learned the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed components (manual mode) through trial and error as I examined the images captured on the many rolls of film I went through. Starting out with film was the best decision I made entering this field as it forced me to be more selective with my shots, and has taught me to slow down and think before I released the shutter. Over these past few years my camera collection, as well as my knowledge, has steadily increased.



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